Savage Single Shot Firearms > Hi! My Name is...

Good Evening!


Winter Hawk:
Just found a link to this site, and am looking forward to reading all the posts.  I have a model 30 .22 I bought a while back which does everything I need one for.  Would like to get a 219/220 in .30-30 with 16 or 20 gauge barrels, when I win the lottery....


CURSES!  I just noticed that an "o" snuck into my user name - should be "Winter Hawk".  Any chance of getting that changed?


Welcome to this forum.  I hope you will find some items of interest on this site.  I am away from home and will add some thoughts when I get home.  I cannot change your name as I am computer literate!  My son is the web master and he says he will try to change it.  Please be patient.  Best wishes. Garnett

Winter Hawk, I am home now and as you can see, my son did change the misspelling of your name.  I hope you have had time to read some of the articles in this forum and have hopefully found some interesting  information.  Watch as they have M219/220's on a regular basis.  Some of them are very reasonable.  Just be careful about buying a two barrel set and paying a premium price for it.  If the assembly numbers don't match and it does not have two forearms, it most likely is not an original "Utility Gun", but a rifle or shotgun that someone has added a barrel to.  I will be happy to help in any way I can.  Please keep us posted with information about your purchase and send pictures if you don't mine.  Best wishes, Garnett


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